python send email

I can definitely help you with that. Here’s a Python code snippet demonstrating how to send an email with attachments using the smtplib and email libraries:

Import libraries: We import smtplib for SMTP communication and email for crafting the email message.

Send_email function

Takes sender email, password, receiver email, subject, message, and optional attachment list.
Creates a MIMEMultipart message container for handling various content types.
Sets sender, recipient, and subject information.

Attaches the text message using MIMEText.
Loops through attachment paths, opens the files in binary mode, and creates MIMEText objects with base64 encoding.

Sets the Content-Disposition header for attachments with filenames.
Configures the SMTP server details (replace with your email provider’s details) and port (use 465 for secure SSL connection).
Logs in using sender credentials.
Sends the email using server.sendmail with Job Seekers Number sender, receiver, and the email message converted to a string.

Closes the SMTP connection.

Example usage:
Defines sender email, password, receiver email, subject, message, and attachment paths.
Calls the send_email function with the defined arguments.
Prints a success message upon successful delivery.
Important notes:

Replace “” and port with your email provider’s SMTP server details.
Enable “Less secure Argentina Phone Number List app access” in your sender email settings if using Gmail (not recommended for production due to security concerns). Consider using a secure method like OAuth2 for production environments.
This code demonstrates sending attachments. You can modify it to handle HTML content or other message formats using the email library’s functionalities.

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