This simple and basic guide has been writtenThis simple and basic guide has been written

They constantly put it here and there on a daily basis still, they don’t have a theoretical knowledge of what is it and how it should be leveraged to bring the maximum benefits to their site’s ranking. to guide you on the basics of anchor text This simple  how it can be used to maximize your SEO results. So without waiting further, let’s dive in. Table of Contents What is an Anchor Text? Anchor text is a clickable link that you embed in your guest posts, your web content or any other place where you leave your site link such as forums, business profile, blogs comment section, etc.

Although, most people believe that anchor


Texts are not as significant as they used to be before. But actually, they still matter and you are still ought to use them strategically. They will matter as long as backlinks and link building matter. However, the Google mobile phone number library update especially the Penguin update in 2012 has changed the link-building practices. The algorithm update pushed SEOs to make some major alterations to their link-building strategy. To put it differently, Google has gotten smarter than ever before to detect whether you are involved in any sort of unnatural link building practices.

If it catches you red-handed

It hits you with a penalty. And how does Google know this? Simple, Through your anchor texts. Suppose you have a design company named “ABC” which offers graphic design services, now all your backlinks should not be Cameroon Phone Number List on the same anchor text “graphic design services.” Otherwise sooner or later Google will know that you are building aggressive unnatural links and consequently you will get hit by a penalty. What are the Types of Anchor Texts? You must be wondering, do anchor texts really come in types. Well, yes.

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